Customs Services

A great saving of time and inconvenience!
We have the “Authorization to operate at approved site”; this means that customs operations can be done directly at our Terminal! Customs operations are much faster with us. This is our added value.
We have a private Terminal with a parking area for 25 trucks, which is 24 hours under video surveillance, illuminated and equipped with toilets for drivers.
Our customs services for you are:
- Temporary and final importations
- Introduction of foreign goods in customs warehouse
- Introduction of goods in VAT deposit
- Re-imports to the discharge of temporary exports
- Reintroduction of free of customs duties on return goods
- Issuing of USMAF health certificates
- Radiometric controls on wreckage – former steel products
- Temporary and final exportations
- Customs operations in triangulation (with three subjects)
- Assistance and documentation on transit trade
- Issuing of certificates of origin (Eur1; Oth)
- Electronic transmission of customs declarations
- Activation of TIR carnet
- ATA Carnet
- Customs consultancy
- Issuing of T2L certificates for the transit on non-EU countries


Shipments are no longer a problem!
We deal with various types of transports, because we like to satisfy every need. And we do it with the same passion and commitment that we put into customs operations.
We carry anything you want, anywhere you want, any time you want!
We guarantee fast, safe and efficient transport, both in Italy and abroad.
Our Services:
- Italian domestic and international transports
- Full truck and partial truck transports
- Transport of sanitary and medical equipment
- Chemicals in ADR regime
- Tanks
- Silos with pneumatic discharge
- Groupage transport

Warehouse / Goods storage

Your goods are safe by us!
We use a private customs warehouse of about 1,000 square meters, located inside our area, for the storage of goods in the foreign country, and a space of about 3,000 square meters of free warehouses, as well as large open spaces.
In carrying out our work, we guarantee a correct handling of the goods, a high attention to the control of the packaging, a neutralization of the packages/boxes. Furthermore, we are able to satisfy any other requirements from our customers.
Features and equipment of our warehouses:
- equipped with anti-theft protection
- private night surveillance
- 24-hour video surveillance
- easy access to vehicles for loading and unloading the goods

Private Customs Terminal

A place under a 24-hour video surveillance!
Inside our spaces there is a private customs terminal, equipped with efficient services that make it a safe, practical and functional place for all truck drivers.
Our customs terminal comprehends:
- parking area for about 25 trucks (with space to maneuver)
- area under video surveillance h24
- night lighting
- toilets for drivers open h24
- automatic vending machine with food and drinks for drivers